08 novembre 2015

11月5日 2010年W杯後南アでベビー・ブーム The sex ratio at birth in South Africa increased 9 months after the 2010 FIFA World Cup

Le jeudi 5 novembre 2015

タンザニアの大統領選は1025日(日)に行われ、今日5日(金)当選したジョン・マグフリJohn Magululi候補が大統領に就任する。

南アで2010FIFAサッカーのW杯があった。『Early Human Development.』誌が面白い記事(英語)を書いている。W杯後9か月、ベビーブームが起こったというのである。
The sex ratio at birth in South Africa increased 9months after the 2010 FIFA World Cup
Early Human Development.

In humans in the absence of significant stress the sex ratio at birth [males/(males+females)] is in favor of more male than female live births.

This study sought to determine the influence of the 2010 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup in South Africa on the sex ratio at birth in that country specifically 9months afterwards. Publicly available data from Statistics South Africa was utilized detailing recorded live births. Analysis was carried out by Chi-squared tests.

February and March 2011 about 9months after the World Cup, had the highest observed sex ratio at birth (relatively more male births) of 0.5063 for the period 2003 to 2012. The observed sex ratio at birth in the considered two months of 2011 was 0.63% (p=0.02) greater than the sex ratio at birth for corresponding periods from 2008 to 2012. The increase noted in 2011 corresponds to more than 1000 extra male births than expected for February and March 2011.


The 2010 FIFA World Cup was followed about 9months afterwards by a significant increase in the sex ratio at birth. The main mechanism driving the observed increase in the sex ratio at birth in South Africa is most likely more frequent sexual intercourse at population level during the tournament.

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